A new axe swings...

Needless to say the comparison with these classic albums was somewhat humbling and, as already been pointed out here, listening revealed a legion of errors (and I'm not talking about George's playing on While My Guitar Gently Weeps). But I felt we stood up well to some pretty stiff competition. To my mind Crossbreed and Mrs Bun rocked the house while, lyrical slips aside, Hinny had a certain something. I, it seems, need to work a little harder at coming in on the right beat (or at least on a neighbouring beat). Back in town and facing some work-life disappointment that I won't share here I resorted to retail therapy and went guitar shopping. After some serious road-testing I settled on the pictured axe, an Epiphone Jorma Kaukonen Riviera Deluxe, with some rather ostentatious gold pickups, dual humbuckers and an attractive Bigsby vibrato that I fell for hard but will probably seldolm use. (check out a review here)
It was sold to me by a lovely fellow at Gallins who had questionable underarm hygiene (as my nostrils saw it anyway) but a great passion for guitars. Came with a fetching professor-ish tweed case.
It did mean I broke one of the foundation rules I set for myself (never buy a guitar with an autograph on it). Amusingly, I have never been a fan of Jefferson Airplane - that may now have to change.
My favourite moment of the day came whe I sought Tedium's sage advice. 'He's a guitar nerd, he will know if this is a good move,' I proclaimed to my brother-in-law.
I called him, feeling slightly guilty about the public nerd slur. 'Hello,' he said. 'Sorry to bother,' I said, 'Am I interrupting anything important?'
'Not really,' he said. 'I'm just downloading some Windows updates.'