Beds are Burning

Tempi were snappy, the drumming was energetic, the neighbours brought in their children to cheer us along, the fingerpointing and recrimination were minimal for a change, the afternoon tea was charming…
Bass and guitars to follow. My turn comes tomorrow night.
I submit another possible cover for the band's consideration and seek feedback. I reckon this would be immortal. Anyone who wants to lay into Cheap Trick with some non-constructive criticism should bear in mind that Silky-D LOVES Cheap Trick even more than he loves the Stikmen. He also wounds easily.
Those unfamiliar, or who just love to rock out, can listen here
He's a Whore
Also, on the subject of Parliament... note to the drummer: any chance of a giant, flashing PVC flying saucer to spice up our on-stage presence?
Using screws, nails, superglue, seaweed, clamps, threats of torture, cement, twine, and a small voodoo doll I have secured the driver firmly back into my speaker bin. A timely repair as, thanks to the wonders of EBay, my ME-50B turned up in the mail and I spent the weekend gleefully making all sorts of wonderful noises.
Every bass player needs a Bootsy autowah. It's in the rulebook.