Laying the beds

Tempi were snappy, the drumming was energetic, the neighbours brought in their children to cheer us along, the fingerpointing and recrimination were minimal for a change, the afternoon tea was charming…
Bass and guitars to follow. My turn comes tomorrow night.
Nice use of the word 'tempi'. I felt our musical credibility ratchet up a notch right there and then.
No rampant drug abuse to report from the sessions, but we are far from the monastic aceticism of, say, Moby or Canadian punk-vegans Propagandhi.
Breakfast: Croissants, 2 x coffee
Lunch: Cold pizza, apple pie, more coffee
Dinner: fish and chips, red wine.
For my money this would be pretty life-endangering were it to continue for a couple of weeks or more...
To prepare myself for the Deep End recording session I listened to Les Claypool, Bootsy Collins, John Deacon, John Entwistle, Flea, Jesse Keeler, Paul McCartney, Sting, Mike Watt and then I too ate fish and chips.
Because you can't rock without cholesterol.
If this list appears again without Roger Waters on it you are in BIG trouble, mister.
somebody hasn't filled in their food diary...
Umm...roo curry.
I suspect that, of the Pink Floyd basslines I admire, Dave Gilmour played them all. But I'll be listening to lots of Pink Floyd too before tomorrow night, just to prepare.
I see you have joined Dave Gilmour's team of lying haters. I pose for you one simple question...why then were the bass lines on A Momentary Lapse of Reason and the Division Bell so pedestrian (this was of course hidden by the excruciatingly awful lyrics)?
Firstly, I have been a lying hater for years: no recent bandwagon jumping for me. Secondly, Guy Pratt is no Dave Gilmour.
But then, I don't think I've listened to The Division Bell more than once.
You know, after all this unpleasant conflict I might be omitting the Pink Floyd from my zenlike preparations after all. Too many bad vibes.
harness the hate and channel it, Rollins like, into your performance.
This is all very convenient!! Admit it!! You have been against the Floyd from the start!!!!!
whoa there.
Careful with attacks, you fiend. I see. So, Dave Gilmour has got to you too Silky-D?
well I do have his 2006 solo album 'on an island'. Although it would be more accurate to say that I got it for free and passed it off to my dad for fathers' day. What a scumbag I am.
I will say this. As solo albums go it was no 'pros and cons of hitch-hiking.'
Careful with attacks, you fiend!
Pros and cons references.
This guy knows more Pink Floyd than he lets on.
many long childhood car trips.
I even own Rick Wright's "Wet Dream" so I will happily go toe-to-toe with any man on this blog. Dave Gilmour's Dave Gilmour and Roger Water's Amused to Death are the only ones worth a hill of beans.
I can't go toe to toe with you on this topic. I am a but a pinky and you are an entire foot.
Once more shouty loud bullying wins the day!!! But the victory is meerly phyrric as Paddy believes there is nothing to be learned from Rog. Surely if there is anything to learn from Rog and myself it is that shouty loud bullying can sustain a career.
just wait bully-boy, one day we'll go toe to toe on my turf.
By the way, while we are bullying, a simple observation.
It is now 76 days since the drummer posted in this forum. I make that 1824 hours.
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