Birthday sails by...

And so, I would like to note it here. Happy anniversary, Ink Spots, it has been a pleasure. I promise that by next birthday I'll have learned all the songs. As we head towards our terrible twos I look forward to the day when we can stand and walk on our own.
As I understand it, which as always is to say imperfectly and with little research to back me up, the first anniversary is usually associated with a paper gift. Which, I guess, makes it kind of ironic that all I have to offer is a virtual comment. How postmodern or something…
If I'm not mistaken — and Wikipedia is frankly no help on this count — the current incarnation of Squid Ink was born on June 27. This means that we share a birthday with both Helen Keller and Ross Perot.
I may be blinded by emotion here but it's been a rich experience.
Well spotted there, Silky. It had passed me by.
Perhaps, if we can have a soft-focussed, overexposed moment with something like All Your Lovin' playing in the background, we might look back at the notable points in the year just gone. The highlights, the lowlights, the tragedies, the triumphs, the agonies and ecstasies. Great moments in blog and rock.
I am thinking of things like the first mention of the hinny, or the time that Qantas lost the Danelectro — oh how we laughed — or the time when Crafty wrote a post or the time we nearly interviewed Barry Manilow. Now that I look back at it, these 12 months have certainly been packed with incident.
Paddy being the only person in the history of rock and roll to ride a bicycle to band practice...
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