A Challenge Met...

"Why Douglas! I'm glad you asked." he replied with a joviality found only through oversized steak consumption "Three weeks in borneo...that would make a great song...I bet you can't work that into a song".
We will all be pleased to find that today's song takes in this line as part of a tale of undersized sickly tyons and monkey's brains being eaten whilst the live monkey is strapped to a harness. It's very much a song for the everyman. I include the hastily scrawled lyrics.
I have never met so many Age journalists in all my days.
it's where the honeymooners go three weeks alone in borneo like hot oil on monkey's brains all strapped in with belts and chains to find a life deprived it's the sadness in a tyon's eyes drinking cheap malaysian wine while keeping indonesian time feel it warm upon your plate as the monkey's curly tail goes straight to find a life deprived it's the sadness in a tyon's eyes not a lion not a tiger half of both but none of either an early death half the size can't look his parents in the eyes to find a life deprived it's the sadness in a tyon's eyes to find a life deprived it's the sadness in a tyon's eyes
and to think all I could come up with was:
'My woman from Borneo.'
I feel a great disturbance in the blogosphere. I tried to log on and blogger told me I had to shift to a new 'google' account. I followed Mr Blogger's instructions and now nothing works and I can't post anything. I don't think I can take this one to the help desk at work. Anyone wanna rescue me from a technologically imposed silence?
I've got shit to SAY, people.
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