Squid Ink does Margaret and David...

Not only is it well worth your coin, if you go to Video Ezy at Yarraville you can get it on New Release for just $1.95, Mondays and Wednesdays.
But the main reason I bring it into this forum is that it's the only film I can really think of in which both Pink Floyd and Squid feature as major facets of the plot. Anyone who has followed this blog will know just how relevant that makes it.
I commend this film to the band and its fans.
I had no intention of seeing this film....but you say they mention Pink Floyd?...Any reference to particular albums or solo projects?
I have actually been thinking that instead of a second album Squid Ink make a film using Obscured By Clouds as the soundtrack. I realise this has been done by a Frenchman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069451/)but I reckon there are a few films in that album.
they don't mention pink floyd. PF is a major plot device in the film... to say more would be to say too much
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