Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Things That Simply Cannot Be Told

But surely it is the build up on the heart of the pressure of the incommunicable of which Squid Ink is an excellent release valve. With Silky out watching some weird ritual in Germany we are left rockless and on and on the pressure builds (I can't even be bothered entertaining Paddy with an oxford comma, such is my listlessness).
Plans need to be afoot for some recording. With the arrival of yet more squid in December it seems vital that we capture this crucial period in the bands trajectory (I know a trajectory can be both up and down but can it be straight?).
It is unclear whether we have enough material at present for another album (actually it is fairly clear we don't) so a dangerous EP may be the way to go…although the thought of hiding some of the current gold on an EP gives me highly communicable pressure on the heart.
Anyone at the last gig will have heard the awesome "Tongue Tied", which a colleague who did attend told another colleague who didn't “Unrelenting Tedium's written a new song about nipples,” for the one and only time in that incarnation…as Fluffy has pointed out that the chorus is suspiciously similar to another song, which is sadly not one of ours. Maybe we should post it here for download.
And will Silky please please please let us record Uri?
Labels: DeQuincey, Nipples, Plagiarism
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Happy memories

I felt it was important to remember the happy days. To take us back to great moments in the past
This one was a rehearsal. I don't mean to go all “wasn't it great in the good old days when we used to practise.” I merely want to point out that this photo from the crappy camera in my phone is documentary proof that on one happy occasion way back in the sweet summer of 2008 we were able to park all four of our cars in the four car spaces at the front of the practice studio. We usually have to scramble for a park in side roads a hundred metres away and hire sherpas to schlep all our gear in to the studios but on this occasion we were all able to park right outside.
Halcyon days. I should write a song about such joy.