Squids on film

ELO made some pretty awesome videos, back in the day. Should Squid Ink make a video? For which song? And what kind of video should we make? How come I can't figure out how to embed a youtube clip in this post?
I already feel like Modern Doug missed a good opportunity to shoot some stock footage with his visit to the Donkey Refuge last year. Would hate to miss another. Alternatively, we could just drop 'Song for Uri' on top of the vision from the clip to Soundgarden's Spoonman, submit it to Rage and hope that nobody notices.
Labels: death of blogging, donkey refuge., ELO
I am a little surprised you overlooked my effort for deadpan which involved, among other things, pictures of your wedding (should have kept that particular powder dry for Tion surely?).
I have thought much about shooting videos for a film clip but the flesh is weak...if I am not writing songs it seems a waste to be shooting video...
There are two red-hot video ideas in that post. Perhaps the image of somebody's dad showing a crossbreed how to walk like a dirty girl would make a striking visual.
I'm not sure I agree with your reasoning there, UT. Perhaps being a creative visual artist will only help foster your inner creative aural artist. Creative artistry abounds and fills the air fuelling only further aural and visual artistic creativity in some great confluence of visually and aurally arty creation. Or something. I think so.
And that ELO is freaky.
Perhaps as all songs are really sung to Alice, I had always imagined the dad in Crossbreed was my Father-in-Law...which is a bit odd...he is very knowledgable man in many areas, particularly agronomy, but I am not sure if he knows how to walk like a dirty girl, let alone teach someone else to.
would quite like to see us all wandering around werribee open range zoo while dressed as space men, or something...
I read with great interest the Ink-tank pondering the great leap into the world of video. A difficult question. Shouldn’t the music speak for itself without the need for moving pictures?
But if there is to be a video to be made you can’t go past Hear My Sound. While it is one of the few songs without mentioning ‘hinny’ or ‘horny toads’ it is nevertheless a cracker. It is the song that announces Squid Ink to the world. They are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.
Modern Doug tells me he didn’t think the band quite nailed it in the studio and he’s possibly right. For mine I can see Suzie de Marchi belting this one out. But the Baby Animals are long gone and Suzie once performed as a replacement for Michael Hutchens for INXS so enough said on that matter.
While strippers seem to be the way football clubs ‘gee themselves up before matches’ I predict a day when it will turn full circle and footy highlights will be played with Hear My Sound as background music. Yes, in the late 80’s it was Kickstart My Heart, All Fired Up and Playing to Win. But move over Motley Crue, the next generation want Ink! It will be the new footy anthem for amateur sportsmen around the country and don’t be surprised to hear it being played at twenty-firsts, just before they finish off with Khe Sahn and American Pie.
So I can see a video jam-packed with D-grade amateur football thrills and spills all to the tune of Hear My Sound. It is exactly what the kids need to get them up before a game or a night on the eccies, or group sex or whatever they do these days.
Crank the amps up to 11 and play it loud.
Undoubtedly some wise words and sage advice above but you have done the Baby Animals an egregious disservice. They live on and will no doubt be playing an RSL club near you soon. Sadly, I think Suze's marriage to hotter than hell Extreme axeman Nuno Bettencourt has not stood the test of time, though. Possibly he accapella'd More Than Words to her one too many times and she eventually responded like a crammed Barleycorn upon experiencing Who Loves the Sun for the first time.
Which is to say, not very favourably.
Well Cool Hand, you are in fine company as our non-exclusive manager feels the same way. Gonna Hear My Sound is our money shot. I would have liked a bit more fast and loose garage to it (though Silky feels I wouldn't...still confused by that) as it ends up a bit plodding on the recording.
I note also your modern approach to music distribution and revenue. The money is all to be made in adverts and TV shows...with that funny CD symbol at the bottom of the page...they could probably have it for free, so pleased would we be that someone wanted it. Though last time that happened Paddy would only perform if he was allowed to have "Slave" on his cheek.
I had always thought the song was sung by someone who was trying to convince themselves more than anyone else of their own awesomeness...a bit like the dumped dude who is desperate to show his ex how awesome he is so she will want him back and he can refuse...even though he would go crawling back to her in an instant...but it will clearly never happen as she moved on months ago. NOW GO KICK SOME GOALS BOYS!!!
Ahhh - this is all starting to make sense. So 'Gonna Hear My Sound' is just a rehash of Elton John's 'I'm Still Standing'...
That being the case suggest you camp it up a bit, replace the guitar with piano and write some love songs for dead princesses. Instant success.
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