History is littered with masterpeices we had to wait for. How good was Prince's Black Album when it showed up 10 years later? And Brian Wilson's Smile was clearly not the plinky plonky nonsense of a daft old prick who did good stuff ages ago. Heaven forfend that we might have already heard the good bits on Smiley Smile and other releases...but like die-hard fans who buy the best of from a band for whom they already own everything, so too the world rushed out to buy Smile. It's a shame you can't pulp CDs. Does anyone know anyone who has heard Prince's Black Album...it was touted as the lost masterpeice of the greatest mind light-ego-sex-funk has ever known. So I have established that Squink are in good company by making the fans wait for the first in our Magna Opera...but we have encountered the daddy of them all. I have been listening non-stop to Chinese Democracy and it is so far beyond the best album I have ever heard as to be unclassifiable. Only the obtuse see it as an album that sounds like a bad Axl side-project recorded 10 years ago. It is breath taking in every way. Do androids dream of electric sheep? And does Axl dream of super meta-music creating session sheep?
So the next time your middle eldest brother (and I guess this is advice for Paddy and Crafty's younger brothers...whom I nearly named and put at risk of identity theft) asks "so where's your album?" let him know the company we keep.
Labels: Druids, Duff Albums, Duff McKagan
I am very keen to hear Chinese democracy. Twice I have held it in my hand at jb and then lost my bottle. It seems ishould grow a pair and take a risk.
Please listen to mine before you part with your cash...please...really...
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