the hinnymoon is over...

We learned the strange delights of products such as 'beef bacon' and 'turkey ham' not to mention the 'chicken pepperoni' on my pizza. Already a song is forming in which I shall rhyme 'beef bacon' with 'love makin' perhaps also employing the slogan painted on most restaurant windows in Sabah: 'Serve No Pork!'
Serve no pork,
in the honeymoon suite,
serve no pork,
you know you are what you eat...
It's with excitement that I learn of the impending gig and resolve myself to three hours of gruelling fretboard practice each night in the interim. And thanks to all who made Feb 3rd a very squiddy nuptials...
The hinnymoon is over baby!
And once more we are 4...and it feels good.
Meat substitution is a fascinating topic. The good work of the people at White Lotus gives me much pleasure but meat for meat is really where it is at.
It would be unthinkalble just to do without a baconish substance at breakfast and I am pleased my mussulman brothers and sisters recognise this.
We have some frightening crossbred, squid flavoured, meat substituted breakfast contemplation happening here and I'm not happy about it. However, having the band back together Jack and Elwood-style, is making me happy.
Three hours a night of madcap guitar practice is important but you will also need to practice a number of other important skills: the onstage rock-and-roll sneer and long emo hair; the big guitar gestures at the end of songs where you lift the neck high and then dramatically pull it down on the beat; the sneaky drink of water when everybody is looking at UT so you get your much-needed hydration without looking soft; and the simple irresistable fuckoff masculinity that will draw our female fanbase to the show.
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