Squid Ink Eisteddfod

Wee, sleekit, cowrin', Crafty beastie,
Oh, where's the artwork from thy breastie!
Thou need to start afor it hasty,
Wi pen and paper battle!
I wad be laith to ask again of thee,
Wi' murd'ring pattle*
*This is a plough-staff according to my annotated Burns
I think the cool kids and hep beatniks call them poetry slams nowadays...
although Eisteddfod is loaded with unintended irony, given that Wikipedia notes the term derives from the welsh for 'sit' and sitting is the one activity that I am banned from doing in these dark days.
also interesting is the fact that the plural of eisteddfod is eisteddfodau.
Allo allo mr unrelenting interweb and bandmates,
we have been enjoying your movie late at night here in Austria, and it has puzzled the local sons of Mozart. Particularly, the whole wacky, zany, esoteric Hinny thing because music is about being a member of Foreigner or Boston or something 80s like that and the Cosmic Psychos are a long way away.
The link above will show you what your son might look like if he was born a few years ago and had his photo taken at my local Kelten museum here on the bicycle path of the river Salzach.
The museum contains more Keltic jewelry, armour and miscellaneous gold that I have seen everywhere else put together. These celts must have lived a long way from the coastal scam vikings who might have relieved them of their earthly goods. No poetry or music in the museum mind you, except for the single note warhorns, probably because time eats all wooden twangplanks.
Here now revealed for the first time on your interweb is the secret of the Celts according to your scholarly senior brother :
The Salzach river and the town of Hallein both refer to salt and the extensive saltmines and trading ie Salz and Halides. The area is also host to the earliest celtic archaeological finds in Europe.
In French salt is Sel.. It is not long a stretch to imagine that the term Selt(Celt) derives from Salz.
Next week:
Why Americans really do understand irony and Brits and Australians don't know the real meaning of the word.
Well hello brother Lachlan. Meine brudder aus oestereich. I don't see the Hinny thing as quite so whacky and zany but it is good to know that is how it comes across. The celtic gear is certainly a bold theory and I can't fault it.
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