Gimme some kind of sign

I know there's been some talk of not organising rehearsals on the blog, so as not to run the risk that we'll be invaded by hysterical fans on a Tuesday night, but I found this awesome picture and needed an excuse to use it.
So squidders, feel free to reply by email but: Shall we play together again soon?
and can we put this on a t-shirt?
Why not tattoos? It would make a fine T-shirt....or banner....
if you're gunna get ink done, get squid ink.
and obviously, to get it, you'd go to Squid Ink Tattoo in Spring City, Pensylvania. Their Myspace site is at:
they sound pretty awesome: "recently Dave has tattooed Sheldon Brown of the Philadelphia Eagles as well as their first three draftpicks for the following season."
It's a quiet arvo at work and a rock opera is starting to take shape in my mind... it's about a boy in a bubble who is allergic to all non-natural products. He desperately wants to be a rock and roller like the other cool kids in his dead end town but he has to wear bulky mittens to play the guitar and can't drink Jack Daniels without instantly dying. The cool kids mock him, never realising that his outcast status is far more rock and rolll than all of their lame poses, knocked off from White Stripes and Strokes videos.
He sees and advertisement for Squid Ink Tattoo in a magazine and thinks it is the answer to all his problems. He goes on an amazing cross-country journey, having many wild adventures before ending up in Pensylvania, makes his appointment and bares his arm for the big moment.
But he's got it all wrong... Squid Ink Tattoo is just a cool name, it's not really all-natural squid ink... just the normal, chemical-laden kind. As the needle hits skin, he realises he is about to die a tragic death, all for the love of rock and roll.
This is fine idea and by happy coincidence the last song in your journey to full Squid rock is a song called "Dead End Town". We are surely more than half way there.
A thought: Dye and Die could make for a useful wordplay in the closing peice.
You guys are very keen on this squid ink thing. It's very funny. Is there an actual place called squid ink? Haha would there be much white stripes and strokes in the rock opera?
All good questions, Maxi. Hard to speak on behalf of the band but I fear that there wouldn't be (m)any white stripes or strokes covers in our future bodies of work. Although those white stripes songs are pretty easy, which would suit my guitar playing more than, say, a Django Rheinhardt tribute night.
We like to think there is a town somewhere, somehow, called Squid Ink, although the gnarly pic of the road sign actually comes from the Squid's Ink resort - "on the shores of Lake MacQuarie." Never stayed there but I feel certain it rocks.
Is this Maxi Priest by the way? I've been meaning to say I never really liked your early nineties hit: close to you. Hope that's ok.
hahah no i'm not maxi priest but he gets less credit than he deserves though.
He effortlessly shed his one-hit wonder status with his fine cover of Wild World and it should not be forgotten that along Ziggy Marley he gave a palatable and safe version of reggae music for white audiences who wanted something a touch more dangerous than UB40 but still didn't like the idea of their daughter marrying a black man. Here's to you Maxi Priest! (it goes with out saying that there is but it is ,like the man himself, not even interesting enough to make fun of)
I must say I was definitely grouping Maxi priest with Ziggy Marley. Soecial shoutout also to Inner Circle, whose "girl I wanna make you sweat" took safe-as-houses reggae to a new sexy place and who were also significant for providing the theme song to the most racist TV show in modern TV history (Cops) despite being a bunch of black rastafarians.
I always found the "and if you cry out, I'm going to push it some more" lyric had a fairly unpleasant ring to it but perhaps, and this is likely, I just don't do sex correctly (not like a very fat black bloke mincing around in the ocean in an over-sized t-shirt in any event).
And in a beautiful ellipse has Maxi noticed how much Girl I'm Gonna Make You Sweat (alalalalong) sounds like the piss weak reggae of Gimme A Little Sign Girl by Peter "Andrews" Andre?
In other news Crafty Squid is a long time aficionado of the Inner Cirlce catalogue (I have made hime swear by bringing up Inner Circle....try it and see).
OK: two more things before I let this bad-boy of a thread rest.
1. I have a special attachment to pop-charts ragga: the first published piece of journalism I ever wrote was a review of Ini Kamoze's Here Comes The Hotstepper, in the ANU student newspaper, Woroni. I remember lacking the courage to say what I really thought (it sucked dogs' cocks).
Wikipedia helpfully notes Ini's real name was Cecil Campbell and editorialises that the album was " a solid listen" which seems kinda like a value judgment and not very encyclopedic-like.
2. I was in Oxford earlier this month and Peter Andre was doing an instore appearance at the Waterstone's bookshop. That's OXFORD, home to Lewis Carroll, John Donne, CS Lewis, Tolkien, Bob Hawke... Peter Andre.
And Radiohead, I think.
Are crafty squid and peter andre the same person? I don't know if i'm following this thread completely.
I don't want to sound like some big fanboy but wild world was a great song. All good songs turn out to be covers you might rethink the white stripes thing.
You haven't even heard our originals!!! Peter Andre is Mr Jordan these this better than being fucked by Molly Meldrum...or is it the same thing really.
Also...Bulky Mittens is a great title for a song. Could be the closer to act 1.
So....Are Crafty and Peter Andre the same person? Well the classic test of never being in the same room at the same certainly suggests they are. I will mention Ian "Molly" Meldrum at the next rehearsal and see if the drummer flinches.
I agree that bulky mittens sounds super-fly but, in fairness to you, would also point out that "better than being fucked by Molly Meldrum" is also an ace song title.
Although I keep wanting to rhyme 'meldrum' with 'eardrum' and that leads to gross places, believe me.
Things I clearly need to know more about:
Sheldon Brown
Jack Daniels
Maxi Priest
Django Rheinhardt
The Strokes
Inner Circle
I'm falling too far behind here.
"held them" seems to rhyme fairly well. You and this tawdry imagination of yours might be able to twist that into something unsavoury but my pure, unsullied heart cannot.
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