Django's gammy-handed genius

Django Reinhardt, whose name I cruelly mis-spelled, was an awesome dude, who is one of the greatest guitar dudes ever. He was an illiterate gypsy who lived in Germany but escaped Hitler's concentration camps with help from a Luftwaffe officer called Dietrich Schulz-Köhn (who also went by the sobriquet "Doktor Jazz") and who admired Django's playing.
Django badly burned his hand when he knocked over a candle at home when aged 18. His wife Bella made fake flowers out of paper for a living and all of the flowers caught fire, maiming young Django. N.B pic above is of Django's actual hand, not an artist's representation.
For my money this is a far better story than Schindler's list.
Also, and I realise this is getting tedious now, Jimi Hendrix allegedly named the Band of Gypsies after Django.
Inner Circle, The Strokes and Sheldon Whatisname are not so interesting, I reckon.
That is pure gold. Thank you Dan.
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