Even better than a packet of Timtams

Pleasingly, the new management at the Brunswick Hotel (140 Sydney Rd Brunswick) have asked us to play and we've found a slot in our busy schedule on Sunday the 19th of July. Come along and join the rock. Ships and Thieves are playing as well and that means two red-hot bands on the one stage on the one evening. For free. OMG.
sadly the lack of a wailing sax player and hot negro backing singers will prevent me from achieving my dream of covering the outstanding piece of late 1970's NZ rock-reggae crossover that is Gutter Black by Hello Sailor.
Also it's very much mid-tempo which is always a worry for Squid Ink.
re.busy schedule.... somebody better tape me my masterchefz. I love those guys.
wow.that's great. i hope to make it.
word verification: 'valcat'. hope appropriate.
This is wierd...someone seems to have read the blog and might come to a gig because of it...I mean...I know Andy...but still...it wonders me...and this isn't even facebook or nothing.
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