Monday, May 07, 2012

A New Name

The album is done! The Second album is recorded mixed and mastered from hot sessions stretching over two years...with a long gap in between.

All that remains is for some hot art and a hot title. I shall set about addressing the latter.These are the suggestions so far:

8 Steps
Rabbit Army
Rise of the Mammals
Curtains Twitching
A Life Well Lived
All Your Days
Sunshine Station
Oh Henry (or O'Henry depending on whether you want to lean towards the poet or the newest squid)

Over and above this I was sent a jolly meme that involved finding a random band name from Wikipedia, a random album cover from Flckr and a random album title from a random quote page (whereby you choose the last 4 or 5 words from the last quote in the list). It is quite a wheeze. I have employed the final step for our album title and I am not displeased with the results (I have chosen enough words from the quote for it to make sense...apologies for the lack of capitals).

Folks Are Doing Something Wrong
A multitude will find their salvation near you.
A wretched state.
More important than the facts.
An induced epidemic.
There will still be business enough.
The infinite to the finite.
I know how bad I am.
You never know when you're finished.
Still pretty much depends on the weather.
People you wouldn't have in your home.
The one-eyed man is stoned to death.
It might as well be me.
Watch them decline.
Worrisome malady.
Those who can do nothing else.
We must be careful what we pretend to be.
I don't want to miss it.

Any thoughts from the dudes? Or Anyone?


Blogger Paddy said...

It is not a little alarming how easily we see randomly-selected quotes as being appropriate and related to our conception of the album.

If we change the pronoun in that last one to 'you' I feel it portrays a welcome self-confidence if not a comically over-exaggerated confidence in some strangely back-handed self-deprecating way. I like it. Watch Them Decline is far less back-handed in its self-deprecation. More Important Than The Facts sounds like a cracking album title: it has a hint of paradox to it that makes it intriguing and memorable.

8/5/12 11:39  
Blogger Unrelenting Tedium said...

I had a soft spot for A Wretched State and An Induced Epidemic (obviously I like three where Silky likes 1). And the one we share is More Important Than The Facts (on the fan sites they will refer to it as MITTF).

Silky-D? Crafty? Any thoughts? And Silky don'y pull any of this "its not my album" palaver. You represent fairly heavily and paid for a fair chunk of the recording.

8/5/12 20:29  
Blogger Unrelenting Tedium said...

Wow...spelling and punctuation...

8/5/12 20:29  
Blogger Unrelenting Tedium said...

Ok. Here is a short list, if for no other reason than to push things along.

Sunshine Station
Curtains Twitching
All Your Days
More Important Than The Facts

Any preference? I am keen to get on and hassle Crafty for the cover art.

14/5/12 13:43  
Blogger Crafty said...

Well done boys. For what it's worth I like MITTF. I have some ideas for cover art but would welcome suggestions and a kick up the arse.

15/5/12 12:58  
Blogger Paddy said...

Nice work, Crafty. I would have Curtains Twitching first with More Important Than The Facts second.

How is this for an album cover: A photo of an apple sitting on a aged wooden garden bench with the claw-hammer that has just smashed a juicy wedge out of it still resting in the aftermath.

16/5/12 21:43  
Blogger Unrelenting Tedium said...

I love the suggestive use of juices. And crafty it is wonderful to have you back on the blog. I reckon we need to meet to sort this out (very unlike us, I know).

Ideally it would be at Midian but, failing that, I would settle for anywhere.

It is time to turn life to art. FOCUS! For, as the mighty loving spoonful once said, the magic is in the music and the music is in me!

Time to TOWER gentlemen!

18/5/12 23:04  
Anonymous Anum said...

Well done boys. For what it's worth I like I have some ideas for cover art but would welcome suggestions and a kick up

25/10/17 23:31  

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